Episode 209: Going Holmes with Mike Rodaway

It was an unjustified experiment even for myself... Doubly so for a friend. I really am extremely sorry. “The Adventure of the Devil’s Foot”

I have been very fortunate to have people who have supported and encouraged me in this weird little project called Geek4. Podcasting is hard. Getting people to share, or review, or come on, is hard. Let alone getting people to agree to come on and be interviewed. Lots of people say they’re going to support you, but not everyone does.

On this episode, I welcome one of my most vocal supporters, and one of my oldest friends, Mike Rodaway. Michael Rodaway if his mom is reading this. Mike and I met in Grade 7 at Lake Vista Senior Public school. We continued our friendship into high school, GL Roberts, in south Oshawa where our mascot was a rat. I wish I was making that up).

When we talked about him coming on the podcast, we agreed to talk about his love from the stories of Sherlock Holmes (a love I happen to share). And we do talk about Sherlock Holmes. For about 5-7 minutes. The rest of the time we just chat. Two old friends reflecting on a shared history, tracing memories and reflecting on a shared history (including the story of me performing almost naked in front of the school). We reflect on the types of people we were and the realizations we've come to about that time.

The Bantam Complete Novels and Stories that Mike and I both own… and bought from the same bookshop

At one point in our Holmes conversation, Mike reflects on the friendship between Holmes and Watson as being the true heart of the stories. Watson makes Holmes better. Holmes makes Watson better. Mike makes me better. I won’t dare to suggest which of us is Holmes and which Watson, but you will hear every bit of the friendship, respect and love that characterizes that famous pairing in every joke, side tangent, and story me and MIke share. I’m very lucky to have retained so many good friends from this time in my life.

Maybe this one is a little too “inside baseball.” I don’t think so. I’m as proud of this episode as any I’ve done.

But if you’re REALLY keen on seeing the performance that Mike and everyone else thought would get me expelled (or the whole Roberts Revels Christmas Concert, head on over to my Youtube channel

Follow me on Twitter  @mwboyce  and Instagram @mwboyce and follow my website michaelwboyce.com/geek4

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