Episode 307: Where Have you Benny? Talking Jack (Benny) with Zach (Eastman)

My guest for this episode is podcaster Zach Eastman from Yesteryear Ballyhoo Revue to talk about his long time fascination with Jack Benny.

Sadly, that name might not much to some listeners, but Jack Benny was a pioneering comic voice in radio and television. Benny was so well known and loved by golden age celebrities that he was able to get guest stars on his show that NEVER did tv (like Gary Cooper or Humphrey Bogart). To speak nothing of his film career. His starring role in Ernst Lubitsch's 1942 black comedy, To Be or Not To Be, as a Nazi-fighting actor in occupied Warsaw has particular poignancy in today's political climate and should be screened often.
Zach has an infectuous love for Benny and is well connected in the internations Benny fan community. If anyone is going to get you exicted for Jack it’s Zach.

 Zach passed along a few of Benny's radio shows as a kind of primer on the work of Benny. As a fan of old time radion myself, I can attest to the quality of the show.

 Your Money or Your Life

Halloween (with Basil Rathbone)

Rochester Lost at Sea - Briefly

Drear Pooson or Murder at Romanoffs

Jack Attends an Isaac Stern Concert


You can find out all about Zach and all his various projects on Instagram and Threads @ballyhoorevuepod @ballyhoorevuepod and Bluesky @ballyhoorevue

Or check out his Linktree: Linktr.ee/ballyhoorevue

 For more information on Jack Benny, check out:

The International Jack Benny Fan Club: https://jackbenny.org/wp/

Jack Benny's Vault Database: https://www.jackbenny39.com/

The procured script mentioned in the episode: https://www.jackbenny39.com/index.php/george-washington-slept-here-1942-producer-jerry-walds-presentation-script/

Follow me on Instagram @mwboyce , Threads @mwboyce and Bluesky @mwboyce. And you can always check out the show on Instagram @geek4pod

Episode 306: More Degrassi? I KID you not, with Jocelyn, The Degrassi Kid

On this episode of Geek4, I’m joined by Jocelyn, THE DEGRASSI KID!!!

I met Jocelyn at a Degrassi Trivia Night. I was a participant. She was the host. Jocelyn might be the most enthusiastic fan of anything I’ve ever talked to! Her infectious love of Degrassi knows no bounds. She was such a fan that Annie Clark (who played Fiona on Degrassi: TNG) encouraged her to start her podcast back in 2022. Jocelyn’s become such a well-established, well connected voice in the Degrassi universe that she was invited to induct the Degrassi franchise into the Canadian Walk of Fame!  She truly is the empress of Degrassi! Heck, she has a Degrassi Street sign in her bedroom.

We talk about her amazing encounters with the cast and creators. I share my own encounters with some of the old school cast (come back, Arthur!) and why my friend Sandy refuses to invite me to her house. We talk about why this quirky Canadian show matters so much to so many people.

You can find all Joceyln’s amazing output at her linktr.ee – the podcast, the Discord, the social media, the magic!

Follow me on Twitter/X  @mwboyce  and Instagram @mwboyce and follow my website michaelwboyce.com/

You can follow the podcast on Twitter @geek4pod and on Instagram @geek4pod

Follow me on Twitter  @mwboyce  and Instagram @mwboyce and follow my website michaelwboyce.com/

You can follow the podcast on Twitter @geek4pod and on Instagram @geek4pod

Episode 305: (Killer) B Ready with Lizzie and Zoltan fron Killer B Cinema

On this episode of Geek4, we're talking bad, bad movies with Lizzie and Zoltan from Killer B Cinema. Lizzie and Zoltan are this amazing couple from the West End of Toronto who love B cinema. They screen monthly films from their collection of

rarely-seen Turkish knock-offs, 1950s favourite sci-fi movies, radioactive monsters, Bollywood, and b-movie classics at See-scapea sci fi themed video game, board game cafe in Toronto's Junction neighbourhood, 347 Keele Street. I started seeing their  Killer B Cinema presents posters around the Junction when I first moved here almost two years ago - I think the first one I saw was for a Mario Bava film. I knew then I had to have them on the show.

This was a great conversation that went all over the place. We discuss how they each came to love B-cinema, the movies and theatres that inspired them. We discuss the incredible amount of technical work they put into their screenings, and the films SO BAD they refuse to screen.

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