Episode 208: A Little Wilder with Tom Salinsky!


On this episode I'm joined by podcaster, author, actor, and producer Tom Salinsky. My listeners may know Tom for co-creating and co-hosting Best Pick Podcast along with previous Geek4 guest Jessica Regan and (hopefully future guest) John Dorney.  He also produces The Guilty Feminist. Tom joined me to talk about his love for the films of Billy Wilder, who is also one of my favourite directors.

Over the course of our conversation, we cover many aspects of a wide variety of Wilder classics and not-so-classics, including The Apartment (1960), Double Indemnity (1944), Some Like It Hot (1959), One, Two Three (1961), and The Emperor Waltz (1953). We also talk about Tom's #TrekaDay project, which you can follow on Twitter, the vulnerability of showing people movies you love, a rather incredible gift his wife, Deborah Frances-White, got him, and even speculate about the next actor to play James Bond.

You can follow up Tom's up on Twitter @tomsalinsky (and follow his #TrekaDay) or http://tomsalinsky.co.uk/blog/

Check out Best Pick Podcast at https://bestpickpod.com or on the podcatcher of your choice. Tom, Jessica, and John's book, Best Pick: A Journey through Film History and the Academy Awards, is available now from Amazon UK, Amazon  US, Amazon Canada or, better yet, from your local bookseller!!!!

Follow me on Twitter  @mwboyce  and Instagram @mwboyce and follow my website michaelwboyce.com/geek4

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I respectfully acknowledge that I live in and work  on the traditional lands of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Assiniboine, Dakota and Dene Peoples, and the homeland of the Métis Nation.