Public Scholarship
Dr. Michael Boyce presents “A Final Frontier? The Uneasy Tension between Science Fiction and Faith.” This public lecture was offered in Jan 2021 as part of the Earl Robinson Memorial Lecture Series at Booth University College. and examines the often uneasy tensions in Christian Science Fiction, comparing the pioneering (though almost forgotten) writer, Victor Rousseau Emanuel (1879-1960) with C.S. Lewis (1898-1963).
Coming January 2021, The Science Fiction Makers: Rousseau, Lewis, and L’Engle.
I have 3 pieces in the upcoming Always Look Up (and Other Wisdom I Learned from Geek Culture that Changed My Life) — Area of Effect, Vol. 2 (Oct 2020) - including my most viral article, “How Mystery Science Theatre 3000 Saved My Life (Sort of).
I have a couple of pieces in Area of Effect: Wisdom from Geek Culture