Episode 203: Talking Potter with Katy McDaniel

Confession time, geeks: this episode has been in the queue for a while.

It’s been a hard winter. In addtion to record snowfall in on the Canadian prairies that has left me buried under a mountain of snow, the academic year has been very demanding. And there’s this pesky pandemic. we’re all still navigating. On top of all that, there were some audio challenges on my end that made editing take longer than usual. Days turned into weeks, weeks became months. You know how it goes.

But it’s finally ready and this was a fun conversation with Katy McDaniel, a professor of History  at Marietta College in Marietta, Ohio.. She's also the  editor of Virtual Dark Tourism: Ghost Roads as well as the co-editor of Harry Potter for Nerds II and she co-hosts the podcast,  Potterversity with Geek4 alumn, Emily Strand, which is part of the MuggleNet family, 

You can check out all the back episodes of Potterversity, including the AMAZING episode 15 with yours truly. Or, subscribe on your podcatcher of choice.

Potterversity is also on social media: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook. If you have a Potter-based question for Katy and Emily, you can always email them at potterversitypodcast@gmail.com.

You can follow me on Twitter  @mwboyce  and Instagram @mwboyce and follow my website michaelwboyce.com

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I respectfully acknowledge that I live in and work on the traditional lands of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Assiniboine, Dakota and Dene Peoples, and the homeland of the Métis Nation.