Episode 026: Tall Tales with Kerri Twigg


Kerri Twigg is author of The Career Stories Method: 11 Steps to Find Your Ideal Career—and Discover Your Awesome Self . She's a career coach who uses stories to help people discover their ideal career and their best self. She's a TedX speaker  and a LinkedIn Top Voice. and is a highly sought after conference speaker. She's also my sister in law.

I'm very grateful she took the  time to talk to me about something she's a geek for: storytelling. We talk about the awesome stories her dad used to tell and how story telling has shaped her - from the tales she tells her kids, to playwriting, acting and teaching, to her work as a career coach.

You can follow Kerri on Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn ; you can also find out more about her courses and speaking engagements  HERE, including how to buy her book,  The Career Stories Method: 11 Steps to Find Your Ideal Career—and Discover Your Awesome Self .

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