Episode 027: Star gating with Hannah Foulger

Hannah Foulger is a writer and theatre artist with a disability, as well as an accessibility consultant. She joins me today to discuss her love of the Stargate franchise. I don't know much about Stargate -I think saw the Roland Emmerich film back in the mid 1990s ; but one of the great delights of this project is listening to people explain (with enthusiasm) why something matters to them whether I'm familiar with it or not.

Hannah started watching Stargate: Sg1 with her dad and has continued to revisit that series and followed the other shows in the franchise including Stargate Atlantis, Stargate Infinity and Stargate Origins. We discuss the tensions the show presents between the humanistic perspective of Daniel Jackson and the militarism of Jack O'Neill; the show's new colonialism" as Hannah calls it; how the show incorporates different mythologies into its narrative, and how the tone of the show has changed in later series, particularly when it comes to gender.

You can follow Hannah on Twitter @FoulgersCovfefe and on Instagram @speakstory

You can follow me on Twitter @mwboyce or Instagram @mwboyce to pass along feedback or ideas. I'd love to hear from you.

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