Episode 017: Trees of (Fire and) Ice

This is the new,large ice pyramid David talks aboutCourtesy of D Falk @ https://www.facebook.com/winnipegfirenice

This is the new,large ice pyramid David talks about

Courtesy of D Falk @ https://www.facebook.com/winnipegfirenice

For this episode, I’m joined by my good friend, David Falk (of https://workplaceconflict.ca) . David messaged me over the Christmas holidays and excitedly told me that he discovered what he’s a geek 4. I knew I had to have him on the podcast.

David recalls his 12 year passion of making ice trees for his front yard and all the experimentation he’s done with making them. He also describes the ice-making community he’s discovered and becoming “WInnipeg famous” for his creations.

David’s also starting selling kits for people to make their own ice trees (*water not inlcuded) and you can learn more HERE

Courtesy of D Falk @ https://www.facebook.com/winnipegfirenice

Courtesy of D Falk @ https://www.facebook.com/winnipegfirenice

Courtesy of D Falk @ https://www.facebook.com/winnipegfirenice

Courtesy of D Falk @ https://www.facebook.com/winnipegfirenice

Courtesy of D Falk @ https://www.facebook.com/winnipegfirenice

Courtesy of D Falk @ https://www.facebook.com/winnipegfirenice

Courtesy of D Falk @ https://www.facebook.com/winnipegfirenice

Courtesy of D Falk @ https://www.facebook.com/winnipegfirenice

Courtesy of D Falk @ https://www.facebook.com/winnipegfirenice

Courtesy of D Falk @ https://www.facebook.com/winnipegfirenice

Courtesy of D Falk @ https://www.facebook.com/winnipegfirenice

Courtesy of D Falk @ https://www.facebook.com/winnipegfirenice