Episode 016: You (Still) Don't know me, part 2 of Answering Your Questions


In this final episode of 2020, I answer some more of your questions. i discuss how many fandoms might be too many; describe what I’ve learned about the things I love since doing this podcast; confess my love of an annual sing-along event (where I even dress up).

I talk about where I plan to take the podcast in the future and try to be honest about some of the struggles of doing this as a one-person show., particularly how hard I sometimes find it to ask people to be guests. (P.S. If you have something you’re a superfan for and would like to be a guest, please, let me know).

As I discuss, I’m going to be taking a few weeks off for the holidays, backl I will be back in the New Year for more conversations about things people are passionate about.

They got the mustard out.

This is from the Buffy/Dr Horrible Sing Along event. If you’re in Winnipeg, it’s great fun. The photo was taken by the ridiculously talented @elliana_allon. Follow her on Instagram.
