Episode 210: Adam Roche is SherLOCKED

My guest today is the returning Adam Roche. Adam is a Geek4 alum (Episode 207) and was once again so generous with his time. Last time we talked about Adam's love of old time radio. This time we're talking about his passion for the Basil Rathbone Nigel Bruce series of Sherlock Holmes movies, which were made between 1939 and 1946. Rathbone and Bruce also starred in over 220 episodes as Holmes and Watson on the radio in The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Adam's love of the Rathbone and Bruce pairing actually promoted him to start what became The Secret History of Hollywood Podcast, researching and writing a two hour podcast episode dedicated to the Rathbone/Bruce pairing. We talk about the origins of the pairing, as well as the studio shift to Universal and the decision to have Holmes exist in contemporary stories, not unlike Mark Gatiss and Stephen Moffat’s acclaimed updating, Sherlock. We also make fun of Rathbone’s “modern” hair style

Adam is one of the kindest and most generous people I've met in podcasting. When he heard that I was moving, he messaged me to check in and say that if he was closer, he'd happily drive the moving truck and spring for take out.

I'm not really sure how many of you care about how the proverbial sausage gets made around here, but so many things went wrong with this episode. The aforementioned move - and all personal things that went on around that move - certainly made giving the mental commitments to the podcast- contacting people, booking them, preparing for the interviews, editing - especially challenging.

Then there were the technical difficulties. When transferring files to my new computer, I lost all the audio drop-ins I use or have been collecting -  the theme, the closing as well as the audio transfers of various interviews I've been saving for the next Twin Peaks podcast (which is delaying that project even more). Also, when Zoom re-installed on my computer, all the settings reverted to their original state - so, Zoom did NOT record my and Adam's audio track separately. Adam, always a professional, recorded and sent his audio to me, which helped, but without a clean track of my part of the conversation, I wasn't able to edit out the times we talk over each other, or remove as many of my Ummms and annoying repetition. Still, it's not as bad as NOT recording at all. It just made editing a bit more challenging.

Still. this was a fun conversation, and Adam is delightful as always. So I hope you enjoy it.

And if you’re intrested in chercking out the Rathbone/Bruce film series,they’re almost all HERE

If you’d like to hear the surviving radio plays (and the ear piercing organ), it’s HERE

If you’re interested in some of the BBC Holmes radio plays starring Carlton Hobbs and Norman Shelley, they’re HERE