Episode 219: Pop Goes TJ Dawe

On this episode of Geek4, I'm joined by writer/performer/director TJ Dawe. If you've ever to one of Canada's fringe festivals, you've likely heard his name or seen something he's either created or co-created. TJ's been performing original solo shows at Fringe festivals for over two decades, award winning shows like The Slipknot and A Canadian Bar Tender  at Butlin's and Medicine. He's also created or co-written  other shows - including Toothpaste and Cigars (with Mike Rinaldi) which was adapted into the film The F-Word (2013) starring Daniel Radcliffe, Zoe Kazan and Adam Driver). And he’s directed or dramaturged many more shows

. TJ also works as a creative coach, helping performers of all skill-level and experience develop their own narratives, and he  leads sessions and workshops with groups and individuals on the Enneagram. More recently TJ's been writing online satire for websites like The Beaverton and Two-Fifty-One.

TJ is also a voracious reader. Whenever I would bump into him around the Winnipeg Fringe, he'd have a book under his arm or open on his lap. He posts pictures of the latest books he's working his way through on Instagram. And when I  invited TJ to come on, and we were figuring out what topics we could cover, he suggested we talk about his fascination with the history of pop culture itself. He regularly reads biographies and autobiographies of creative people to better understand something about their creative process because TJ is himself is a creator. 

I knew this conversation with would great - TJ has a brilliant mind and is so articulate. But, honestly, I was amazed at how great is was. In talking about the creative process, I was moved. Deeply. We talk about the toxic myth (mostly masculine myth) of the lone creative genius and just how limiting and false that is. We work better and more productively in collaboration. I've seen that in the arts and I see that in life.

If you're interested TJ's online solo show course to help you develop your own one person show, go to soloshowcourse.com. I can’t think of a better person to learn from. .

For more information about TJ’s creative projects, his individual coaching, and the work on the Enneagram go to www.tjdawe.ca 

Follow me on Twitter  @mwboyce  and Instagram @mwboyce and follow my website michaelwboyce.com/geek4

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