Episode 214: The Return of FRANKIE!!!

n this episode, I’m thrilled to be joined by the return of Frankie Pellat. You may recall that Frankie cohosts two excellent podcasts: Read and Buried, a crime novel podcast, and the recently launched Labours of Hercule (along with Geek4 alum Adam Roche).

The last time she was here, we talked about Frankie's love for David Suchet's character defining portrayal. This time we're talking about Frankie's love of true crime. From reading true crime as a young kid, to podcasts and books. This was such a fun conversation and it went in a dozen different directions: death rituals, serial killers, graveyards, haunted houses, Charles Mason, Frankie's knife collection, and bad Canadian rap. Frankie is a blast. Just a slight warning: we do get a little dark in this episode. If you're offended by macabre humour, be forewarned.

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Episode 213: IT'S SHOW TIME with Larry WIlson

On this episode, I'm joined by  Larry Wilson. Larry's a working screenwriter whose movies include Beetlejuice, (1988) The Addams Family (1991), and The Little Vampire  (2000) and whose current screenplay, Loose Spooks. is about to be unleashed on the marketplace. Larry also wrote and directed for HBO's Tales From The Crypt for six seasons and had the honor of a colorized Alfred Hitchcock introducing his first produced credit. "The Jar", directed by Tim Burton. Along with his writing career, Larry's taught screenwriting for over 30 years and has just started The Wilson Workshop, where he'll be offering classes, consultations and for the first time ever, a year-long mentoring program where Larry will guide aspiring screen writers thRough the process of completing their script with consultations, notes, and weekly check-ins. 

In this episode, we discuss Larry's deep love of movies - everything from the Universal horror classic, The Bride of Frankenstein (1935) and the seminal Marx Brothers comedy Duck Soup (1933) to Tsui Hark's romantic horror comedy, Chinese Ghost Story (1987), which Larry paid tribute to in The Addams Family. Larry has lots of stories about his early years in Hollywood as well as working with international filmmakers like Hark and Takakura Ken. He even confirms a long standing rumour about the premise of a Beetlejuice sequel. Larry's love of movies is infectious.

A huge thank you to Adam Roche for connecting Larry and me!

If you're interested in Larry's screenwriting classes and workshops, check out https://www.thewilsonworkshop.com. You couldn't learn from a better teacher.

Follow me on Twitter  @mwboyce  and Instagram @mwboyce and follow my website michaelwboyce.com/geek4

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I respectfully acknowledge that I live in and work  on the traditional lands of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Assiniboine, Dakota and Dene Peoples, and the homeland of the Métis Nation.